Design matters in any good and effective presentation because it is easy to focus on the content and ignore the aspect of design. Beautiful presentation is a symphony of design elements like layout, typography and imagery. There are basic principles to be followed while designing a presentation to leave a lasting impact on the minds of the audience.  Follow simplicity – Less is more  To have a good slide design, avoid a lot of text and charts and graphs that are too complicated. Remove unnecessary elements that crowd the slides by having a storyboard.

Follow simplicity for sophistication and efficient design process. Remove extraneous material so that the audience can focus on what is important.  Choose good visual images for your slides  Balance text and graphics in your slides. Align the corresponding words and images next to each other so that the audience do not need to search for them in the slide. Select images carefully that is visually attractive and pleasing. Well planned images add tremendous strength to the presentation.  Consistent color scheme  Use consistent color scheme throughout the presentation.

Contrast text color with background color. Slides should have a consistent look and feel.  Use simple and clear fonts  Use one font for slide headings and for the bullets use a different one. Font color should be in contrast to the color of the background. Fonts should be easy to read.  Limit the use of too many slides  Well known presentation expert Guy Kawasaki says that one should use only 10 slides for a presentation to explain business ideas or messages. Audience cannot retain more than 10 concepts in a meeting.Convey one idea per slide.  Negative space in slides  You need to leave a lot of white space in your slides so that the audience can understand easily the messages conveyed in the slides. Without use of white space, the slides look cluttered.

Powerful Context for Your Presentation

Use a simple white background for all your slides if possible for a clean look.  Use your logo wisely  You do not need to have your logo in all slides.  Distinct and clear title  You need to differentiate the title from the rest of the content by using a different color and font size and type.  Blueprint or a plan of your vision  Great design comes with conceptualization, lot of hard work and creativity. Try new ideas and surf the internet for better design ideas. Great design unites beauty and substance.

Presentation design outsourcing Presentations are used by companies to inform, educate and motivate audience with the power of words and images. A good, clean and well designed presentation sends positive message to your clients and is secret of productive meetings. Most often we don’t get that much time to prepare such good presentations. Powerpoint design agencies can come to your rescue in such situations. These are the professional Presentation Experts design services which designs brilliant presentations for you. Here I give you 5 benefits of presentations designing company:     Security: Profession presentation design companies use licensed software to develop presentations.

There is no risk of your presentations to get corrupted. They use additional security measures like SSH keys, Firewalls, SSL or TLS certificates to make sure that your files are being shared on encrypted network. Never ever compromise security of your presentation.    Presentation design companies offer designs in particular niche. Specially marketing or multimedia companies offer these services. A company dedicated to designing presentations is definitely going to be make presentation better than you or any of your staff. A well crafted presentation shows professionalism of your company. Powerpoint design agencies have knowledge about industry presentations trends, style guides, corporate designs and templates. They have all the right solutions when it comes to presentation because of experience gained over years.

Transparency: Professional presentation design services believes in transparency. They have a transparent process from the time of deal confirmation to invoicing. You can witness how your presentation is done from start to end. These firms offer you integrity, honesty, transparency and trust. Transparency of these companies makes them a reliable partner for long term relationships.   Confidentiality: presentation design companies follow complete confidentiality unlike freelancers. They never forward your documents as sample to other clients or reveal your identity to anyone. Such companies have strict security policies.

Peace of mind: Hiring a presentations design agency to design presentations for you gives you peace of mind to you. You don’t need to sit whole night at office to complete presentation one day before the meeting. You do not need to worry about presentation and you can use your time to prepare yourself for presentation without any stress. Hiring such agencies is a cost effective option for you. None of your employees have to waste their time in making presentations hereafter, they can just do what they are supposed to do. It will enhance progress of the company.