Understanding the roots of advertising is a typical job, especially for those who are new to this field and are doing everything on their own. If you are to advertise for a brand or a product, you must know this that poor campaign can cost you a lot of money, and be a big failure at the same time. You have to create an effective advertising strategy and to take up what kind of ads you want to display.

Many psychological researches show that, while viewing a offline ads, on hard copies such as newspaper/magazines/pamphlets people are more decisive over contrasting and bright colors combinations where as the simple colors and more visuals than audio, are seem to have a good effect on television or video ads.


What kind of advertising strategy to prefer

If you ask the internet to suggest you some advertising strategies, you will probably end up being confused, some people would suggest you to go with online advertising while the others will prefer offline. If you ask my take on this, I will say go for both, yes offline and online advertising blended up together with proper means can do wonders for your project.

Develop your budget for the project first; come up with a fixed amount to spend and than a second budget, if the previous needs exceeding. Now first lay emphasis on online advertising, use your resources and strategize on advertising online. Social Media can you give you plenty of advertising options and can take your project to heights you wouldn’t even imagine. After building up a strategy start your online advertising campaign, and in the mid-way start on your offline campaign too, you must be thinking why not together?  This actually helps as online campaign would have given you the pre-exposure, now if you step in offline advertising people would have already known about you. And as research says offline advertising is considered more trustworthy by the common people. This strategy works like a charm, you must follow this to take your project to the next level.

How to do so much strategizing

This question is very common, you are now wondering how am I supposed to do all the strategizing and research part, well its not that hard. You can form a team with 2-3 of your colleagues set a one month target for a final plan or you could just hire companies like Orangelabel Art & Advertising that will take up your complete project, you just have to pay them.