Backpage was second largest ad listing service in the United States after Craigslist in 2011. It is a free classified advertising website that was launched in 2004 by New Times Media, a publisher of 11 alternative newsweeklies at It prohibits illegal services and offers classified listing including, adult services, New Age services, musicians, job listings etc. The only way to pay for ads is Backpage Credits or Bitcoins for backpage.



Bitcoin is an innovative mode of payment. It is a different form of online payment or it can be said that it is new form of money. It is peer-to-peer (P2P) money. It does not need any central bank or authority to operate and manage the transactions and to issue bitcoins. It is open-source and carried out collectively by the network. It has no owner and no controller. Anyone can take part in it. It offers exciting payment that the other payment systems do not cover. Once you buy bitcoin, you have to spent it quickly because the prices of bitcoins fluctuate quickly. If someone has bought bitcoin worth $100 then in other minute it can be worth $98 or $120. It is better to buy exact amount of bitcoin and use it immediately. One must not take a chance for holding it for longer time.


For posting ads on back page, you have to pay because a free ad does not work. Backpage does not accept credits cards anymore. There are many websites available that can guide on how to buy and use Bitcoins for backpage. On these websites, one can have all the informations about basics and overall introduction. On the website,one has to choose the exact amount , authenticate it , buy Bitcoins for backpage ad, post the ad and make payment.