Alexander Johnson Lochwood is an English Entrepreneur and the founder of three companies. His companies Johnson Corporation, Lochwood Ventures and Lochwood Capital have set new standards in the industry.

Early Life

Born in UK, he acquired education in England and Switzerland. Johnson began his career with a number of projects and quickly expanded his network to establish himself as a reliable name. He went on to become the youngest CEO at London Stock Exchange when he worked being a board director of Worldwide National Resources PLC.

This is a waste to-energy company that works primary in South Africa. Later on, he went to join companies like Frankfurt Stock Exchange and oversaw his duties as IPO and Investor relations for different American and European Companies.

John firmly believes that the industry or sector doesn’t matter, you need to make sure that innovation has to be realistic so it can be easily integrated as a solution. He has worked with this mentality and introduced these beliefs in his way of working.


Rise to Success

Alexander Johnson Lochwood founded his company, Lochwood Capital in 2015. He personally oversees the investment and development projects. His history with previous companies provided him with important connections.

His recent work has been involved him identifying himself through his building ventures and leading two of the most anticipated companies.  Johnson introduced new trends in digital photography and financial technology with his innovative methods.

Along with his professional innovation, Alexander Johnson Lochwood has some revolutionary ideas about nature. He is an outspoken supporter of Solar Power initiatives and acts an advocate of wildlife and ocean conversation.

Alexander’s companies specialize in improve agriculture and preserving the environment.  His companies also works toward improve the existing technology. He looks forward to improve today’s technology and make the world a better place.