Being an entrepreneur and developing a successful business is a challenging task. Establishing up a coworking space and making it successful is not an exemption. There are so many unknowns and issues along the way. After struggling with hundreds of spaces worldwide, we’ve gathered a list of patterns that successful coworking spaces display.

4 Pillars of Successful Coworking Spaces

Before we go into the circumstances, let’s get a review of what coworking space is:

  1. A community of like-minded experts;
  2. It’s a Business
  3. Shared, a public environment where Hospitality matters;
  4. An office Facility;

  • Community
    We all know that the essential element of every successful coworking space is the Community. Collaboration between like-minded experts is the foundation of every coworking space. Sometimes, the Community lives even before the physical space. Building a vibrant coworking community is the most challenging part of making an ample coworking space in Delhi.

    It’s a long way from zero to good to a fantastic community, but you have to take it. Building it wants a lot of effort, a great team, and energy. You need to develop, curate, stimulate, and grow it. Also, you have to be friendly so that people want to work with you in your space. It would help if you also had evangelists. Your first members need to be pitching the space all around the town and selling it for you.

    One of the critical components of creating a community is building a safe environment where people feel that they belong to something. When you walk into space and feel a positive vibe, that’s called Community.

  • Hospitality
    Although it’s typically associated with the hotel industry, hospitality is an essential building block of coworking spaces. The successful spaces understand it, accept it, and obtain it.Hospitality is the faithful and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.

    The crucial element of providing good hospitality is your team. Hospitality is people’s business, and the people are in the center of giving good service to others. The successful spaces (and any business) are great at hiring staff members and maintaining their company culture fabulous. Focus on hiring nice, friendly, and smart people with a sense of understanding. They will be the face of your coworking in front of members.

    When you walk into a coworking space, you should see and feel the smile and the warmth of genuinely lovely people that work in the space. A smile can open many doors, and this is valid for the coworking business.

  • Facility
    Successful spaces know that they are in the Real estate business too. The quality of the space matters, as much as the other vital elements.
  • Location: How will members drive to the workspace? Does it have public transportation nearby? Are there any nice cafes and restaurants nearby? Does it have parking spots?
  • Fit-out & Design: Does it have enough light? Does it fit the needs of your Community? Does space convey your brand? Is it nice and cozy?
  • Layout: What’s the layout of your workspace? Is there any unused space left?
  • Maintainability: Have you taken materials and furniture that are strong and easy to maintain?
    Successful spaces are very good at obtaining the best out of their available real estate. Some of the biggest coworking providers spend a lot in the planning stage to ensure the location’s business and financial viability. One of the most massive confusions you can make is constructing many large common areas rather than saving a bit more space for the desks and private offices.
  1. Business
    Successful coworking space in Noida know that at the end of the day, they run a business. And if you require a healthy, sustainable business, you need to make it successful and generate total revenue to grow.
  • Revenue Channels
    Healthy spaces leverage various revenue streams and balance between risk and growth potential.
    Private space: usually the most stable source of income. You should consider longer terms, instead of month-to-month, so that you can have more security.

    Meeting and Event space: short-term hires can also bring good revenue in some spaces.

    Desk memberships: the typical coworking memberships are a meaningful revenue stream.

    Services and ancillary items: lockers, parking space, and dedicated internet can bring more revenue.

  • Expenses

    The successful adjustable workspaces are also good at keeping their costs low.
    Rent – start by assigning better terms with your landlord.
    Staff – having just enough employees is essential to keep your spending in balance.
    Processing Fees – processing fees can have a significant impact on the expenses. You can acknowledge using cheaper alternatives, use a direct debit (or ACH) or pass the members’ costs through payment providers such as PhonePay.
    Software & Services – paying so much for software and services expenses can also hurt your bottom line.
  • Operations
    Running your business efficiently with minimum involvement by your staff is vital.
    Automation – you should try automation through many methods as possible. Choosing proper coworking management software can surely help here. Such technology solutions automate managing tasks like billing, meeting room bookings, membership management, and many more.
    This authorizes you to spend less time on ordinary tasks and more on your members and growing your business.
  • Investment
    Successful spaces are also good at raising capital and can increase the Coworking idea to investors. Having investment capital helps your business as it decreases the risk from the entrepreneur’s side and provides you to be more focused on coworking’s growth plans.

    Always take advantage of the software that you use. It can help you to provide fruitful data when you present it to your investors. The software is a critical part of any business. You can’t get capital if you run your business on spreadsheets and Zapier only. It is not scalable for many reasons.

    Building a great business is complicated and challenging but beautiful and satisfying, especially if you are smart to your business. Analyzing the different perspectives of nurturing an incredible community, providing excellent service and high-class equipment, and increasing your chances of building a successful coworking space business.