Planning to invest in Mainstreet Equity Corp? Wondering if it’s a safe bet to invest in Mainstreet? Well, you are in the right place. This blog post contains information about Mainstreet Equity Corp MEQ: TSX, which may be of great help to you in deciding if it’s a good bet to invest in Mainstreet Equity Corp.
Established in 2000, Mainstreet Equity Corp. is a real estate company that specializes in the redevelopment, acquisition, management, and repositioning of mid-market residential apartment buildings. It’s a publically traded (TSX: MEQ) company that has successfully grown its portfolio from 272 units to 13,000 units that have a market value of up to $2 billion. It operates and owns properties in Calgary, Surrey, Abbotsford, Regina, Saskatoon, and Edmonton. Founded by Navjeet N. Dhillon in 1997, the company is headquartered in Calgary, Canada.
Mainstreet markets itself as a value creator by acquiring mid-market properties, improving operating efficiencies, renovating, and repositioning them in the market for big returns. Currently, the company owns and operates properties in New Westminster, BC, Surrey, BC, Kamloops, BC, Calgary, AB, Abbotsford, BC, Cochrane, AB, Lethbridge, AB, Edmonton, AB, Fort Saskatchewan, AB, Saskatoon, SK, and Regina, SK.
After Mainstreet acquires the under-performing properties, they begin their renovation process that involves adding hardwood laminate flooring, new bathroom fixtures, ceramic tiles, fresh paint, electrical upgrades, energy-efficient appliances, new countertops, and more. They also work on the exterior of the acquired building to boost its curb appeal. Mainstreet aims to become the mid-market market leader. They are committed to offering high quality, consistent living standards to their tenants. You can visit their official website to know more about them.
How do you look at Mainstreet Equity Corp.? Please feel free to share your valuable feedback in the comments below.

Ryan Myers is a business blog author and writer. He graduated from the University of California, Berkeley in 2009 with a degree in Political Science. His favorite topics to write about are blogging for small businesses and becoming an entrepreneur.