Your business card can be an effective marketing and branding tool. And it is very inexpensive as compared to other tools used for marketing and branding. However, most business cards fail to accomplish this vital task. Not all people give the respect and importance to your card that you expect. Most cards end up buried in a drawer or a card album never to be looked again. Even worse, some cards are thrown in the dustbin right away.

So, how do you make sure that your visiting card gets the respect and importance that it deserves? You can do this by having a memorable and effective business card. Here, HotPrints USA offers three tips to make your business card stand out from the crowd.


  • Text

Thoroughly consider the text you plan to use on your business card. Arrange your information in a logical and understandable manner. Adding too much information makes your business cards harder to comprehend and difficult to remember. Using your business card as a marketing tool does not mean that you should design it like a broacher. Be creative in your design but include only necessary text on your business card and give your web address for further information.

  • Colors

Choose the colors that are more appropriate for your business. If your business needs highly professional and formal business cards, use plain colors like white, gray or ivory. For an artistic business, use the colors that show your creativity and confidence. For hi-tech and technology oriented business, you can use dynamic and highly visible colors.

  • Design

The arrangement of text, color, and graphics is the salient feature of the design. It dictates how each element of your card mixes and complements each other. A good design mixes all these elements to convey your intended message and brand image.

invoice_logoHotPrints USA can help you in every stage of your designing and printing process. Feel free to contact the experts and discuss your business card and other printing needs.