Everyone wants to sell a lot, be successful and get rich. No matter the type of business: B2B, B2C, product or service; the goal is to increase sales & customer loyalty and to do marketing for tomorrow.

However, accurately defining the right audience for your business is a task that requires a lot of research and analysis. If you are starting a business, it becomes easier to define the target; if you already have your business, it’s worth re-evaluating your strategy to know who your audience is and where.


So we’ve selected some tips for you to know who your audience is. At the end, you find a person definition model.

  1. Imagine a (real) person who represents your audience

The first super important step in defining the persona is literally embodying your ideal client. Establish sex, age, profession, and even a name. And, to make it even more real, choose a (random) photo that represents that person.

  1. Training and work

Once you impersonate your client, it’s time to learn more about their training. Discuss where he works and what he does in that job. It is also interesting to talk about the daily routine of tasks of that persona.

  1. How does this person communicate?

With so many communication channels available today, it is important to know how that person communicates. Social networks, e-mails, magazines, newspapers, TV: the more you know the better.

  1. What does this person want?

At this point, you already know what your goals are. Describe them at this stage of the process. When we speak of objectives, it is not restricted to focus only on professionals; personal goals and life goals are also important.

  1. What does this person face?

List the issues and challenges directly faced by your audience such as lack of time, overload of tasks and responsibilities, among other things.