If you’ve newly started working with Google and just came across the importance of Google Analytics. You may have question in your mind how to track SEO rankings with Google Analytics. Yes! Tracking rankings using this tool is really something can bestow you with a number of benefits – a lot more than your expectations. It is an excellent tool for those who want to track their organic rankings, no doubt, there are lots of tools available to get your job done but Analytics offered by Google is just what you actually need.

What to Do for Customizing Google Analytics?

Google-AnalyticsYou just need to log in to your Google Analytics account and hit the Admin button. Move on to “Filters” where you will see the option of “New Filter”. Name your filter and go to “Filter Type >> Custom >> Advanced”. After it, in field A, click the option of “Extract A >> Campaign Term”. You need to enter here (.*) into the text area. Once it is done, you need to move on to field B where you’ve to do the same. Just after hitting the option of “Extract B >> Referral”, you need to enter (?|&)cd=([^&]*) in text area.

After all this, you need to set “Output To >> Constructor” where you will have to add $A1 (rank: $B2) into text area. You will see many options aside from what is told here but you don’t need to do anything with any of those. Leave everything and hit the “Save” button. Now, you are done with the system that will start tracking your SEO Google rankings.

Aside from this method, there are different ways by which you can track your keyword rankings. If you want to get them, you can explore internet.