Just have started your own business and having trouble getting enough revenue? Well, you need to understand the customers’ behavior to boost your business. You should know all the pros and cons of marketing to better advertise your products to a wider range of audience. Bearing this in mind, we’ve made a list featuring some useful points that will definitely help you understand the behavior of a consumer. Let’s have a look at them below;


Why does a consumer make a purchase?

You need to understand the psychology of customers as why do they make a final decision of buying. There’re lots of factors contributing to urge people to buy. Below are one of main reasons for making a purchase;

Necessity – There’re some things such as clothing, food, shelter and healthcare that people really need.

Gifts – There come some special moments in our lives when we make purchases to gift others.

Social Status – When we want to maintain the standard of our lifestyle. Our preferences are trendy clothing, large houses, expensive cars and other exclusive stuff.  

Understand the visual merchandising

Visual merchandising is a complete science and the backbone of retail industry, playing a key role in promoting goods and services. According to a study done by a reputable science magazine, 92% of people put the most importance on visual appearance of the products while making purchases. While only 5.6% of people prefer touch things when buying products. To better understand visual merchandising in detail, you should consider viewing visual merchandising infographics available in heaps online.

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