Hanging out in groups was never this much fun. There are plenty of chat platforms and online groups where you can chat and share stuff with your friends. One such very important platform is My Groups by Google. “My Google Groups” is the most robust and efficient way to communicate with a group of email users.


You can create My Google groups very easily. The foremost step is to have a Google account. When you are logged in with your Gmail account you just to need click on “Groups” in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Then choose the “New Group” option near the middle right of the page to create new group. You can use lots of features on this page you can name your group a desired name. You can choose different group type according to your need it can be used as the default type “email list or many other available types. It can be used as a forum where you can discuss different topics.

You can deploy different permission settings for your My Google Group. These settings make sure you are in charge of all the content you put in your group. You can decide who can see your post and who can join your group.

There are various options for who can join the group it can be anyone, anyone in organization, all organizations members, invited users, or anyone can ask for a user. Moreover you can receive email from the “my groups” to your desired Google account. You can also change the email address at which you want to receive your my Google groups email. You can learn all these things online on readily available tutorials which will guide you step by step.

Needless to say My Groups is the best way to interact in groups as its mobile friendly and you can access it using your mobile device.