Do you spend hours every week or even every day sending out targeted emails to potential leads? Are you ready to cut down the amount of time you’re spending? If you are then you definitely want to know what the tricks are, right? You know that the top experts aren’t spending all those hours, but just what are they doing? Well, it’s something like this:
Get Professional Help
We’re not talking about hiring someone to sit there and spend those hours writing the emails for you, at least, not directly. What we’re talking about is , which allows you to set up an email template and then create shortcodes to personalize it. But that’s not all.
Creating Your Emails
Since everything is template based you only have to create your email one time. From there, you set up where you’ll want to add or change information and every time you come back you just update what you want and send it out. Instead of writing individuals emails every day you can just fill it in. What used to take hours will only take a few minutes.
Trade Links
When you trade links or you set up links with someone else you want to make sure you’re getting everything you agreed to. That could mean spending a lot of time each day checking for the links you’ve been promised, but with this software system you won’t have to do that either, because Pigeon Tools takes care of scanning and alerts you if there’s anything missing.
Place Everything
When you’re ready to place a trade on your website you can do it quickly and easily as well, which means you’re going to have no problem getting everything set up and running. Before you know it, you’re going to have your links and contacts, without having to spend all that time emailing back and forth.
Cutting down your email time is going to save you a whole lot when it comes to everything else you need to do. After all, you want to make sure you have time to spend on the things that are really going to move your business forward or help your blog out. While linkbuilding is important, it’s not where you want to spend the bulk of your time. So check out the best ways to reduce your time spent and get back to the important work.

Ryan Myers is a business blog author and writer. He graduated from the University of California, Berkeley in 2009 with a degree in Political Science. His favorite topics to write about are blogging for small businesses and becoming an entrepreneur.