Growth Management Group (GMG) is America’s leading full-service stimulus consulting firm specializing in local, state, and federal incentive, specialized tax incentives with GMG

To date, GMG’s engineering, intellectual property, and other professionals have assisted clients in securing over $350M in tax savings through its custom consulting process. GMG’s Specialized Tax Incentive services include completion of…

Cost segregation studies that accelerate depreciation of certain commercial and income-producing property components;

Growth Management Group

Property tax reduction and recovery;

Energy tax incentive audits;

Hiring incentives; and

Manufacturing payroll (research and development, or R&D) tax credit studies.

The problem for most small and mid-size tax-paying businesses is that the cost to conduct the studies required to claim these tax savings often exceed the savings themselves – resulting in a negative ROI. GMG’s experience is that roughly one in three tax-paying businesses fall into this category, representing a significant downside risk.

GMG eliminates this risk by waiving its fees if their estimated savings fail to generate a positive ROI for its clients…No Savings, No Fee.

In the case of cost segregation studies that accelerate depreciation of non-structural building components, GMG’s fixed fee is guaranteed not to exceed 10% of tax benefits – assuring a 10:1 ROI with no risk of a negative ROI. For more information and brief initial analyst, visit GMG Specialized Tax Incentive website.